
Monday, November 7, 2011

OMG...Hanging an art exhibit is exhausting!!!

All my work (that would fit) is now hung in the Cafe and on display for all to critique and hopefully...enjoy.

I'm not sure why I'm exhausted, but I am.  The process of creating art is much more pleasing than measuring and spacing and placing disparate groups of mismatched frames while Cafe goers come and go amidst my personal chaos. 
I want everything to look perfect, I want to please people, I want to be successful. 
But what does that mean to me, exactly?           Not sure. 
          Sure, I'd love to turn all that art into cash and pay off a bit of debt, sure, I'd love to be well known as a great artist. 
But somewhere deep down I think I'm looking for approval.  Always looking for approval everywhere and I find the hunt extremely exhausting.  So to clarify, it's not that pat on the head, "you did good" type of approval I want, but approval where I can look in the mirror, look into my own eyes and know that I did the best I could and know that God knows too and not care one flying fig leaf what anyone else really thinks.  That's the type I'm looking for and it's getting a bit easier to find that.
Because- I'm getting more comfortable in my own skin as I get older. 
Because- I'm realizing that I'm really not as important as I once thought I was and I'm good with that.
Because- I think I did the best I could for right now. 
So, if I were to title my exhibit, which I'm not, I would likely not call it "Seasons" (which would make sense) or even my lofty idea of "God Speaks" (an interpretation better explained on a more coherent day)  but likely just "The best of me for now" , not too catchy or earth shattering but simple and true. 
If my art can make someone smile, remember, dream or just lose themselves for even a moment then I can be content knowing that I've done exactly all I need to do.
I think I'll sleep well tonight.  
                                 ....and I will update the gallery very soon.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exhibiting soon...

Just putting the final touches on a few last pieces before my next show.

I am exhibiting at Cafe 349 in Shawville starting November 7th.  There will be a vernissage on Sunday, November 13th from 1-4 pm...if you're in the area drop in to say hi, I'd be delighted to see you!

Although I would have liked to be ambitious enough to have all new works to display for this; my first solo show outside of the studio, I will have to fill in with some that some of you may have already seen.  There will be be well over a dozen pieces that are new though... Hopefully enough to pique your curiosity!

As for a statement about my will go something like this:

I paint what I know.  I know beauty in the world all around.  In flowers, trees, landscape and sky...the vast open space that is my home and the creatures that inhabit it.  The way the light plays on the leaves, the land and the buildings all around, I have not seen much of this great world yet but what I've seen is pretty awe inspiring.
In cows  I see old, gentle souls.  They could not survive without the help of man and they seem to know it.  Together we are partners.  Anyone who has ever worked with them and paid attention can feel the trust and the contentment they have with the arrangement.  Likewise, when we do something out of routine those girls become scared.  We need to reassure, calm and care for them...not so different from people after all!  People say my cows have expressions and feelings, I say they're right, because they do.

...I dunno, I suppose a little too out there for some...but I guess I didn't get the reputation for being a bit of an artistic type by thinking like everyone else...can't change how I feel!