
Monday, October 25, 2010

Youth Art

So, the next few days will be filled with activities surrounding my "real" job...or at least the one that pays....bookkeeping....YUCK!  How the girl that hated math in school got to be in charge of finances for the family business still eludes me, however, I should not complain too much since as I already said it does pay!
  On a more creative note: this past Saturday I invited the youth kids from church over to my home to create some artwork for the space we are revamping with them...a smaller and more creative collection of kids made for a little less paint flying but I did still need to "emergency wash" a few items of clothing.  They chose to depict religious symbols in their art, I tried to steer them towards a more abstract depiction and was pleasantly suprised with the end result.  They did their own versions of the cross, trinity, garden of Eden and the sacred heart (which they were entirely convinced for quite awhile was really a flaming strawberry, a little education on human anatomy and religious symbolism was inserted here!)  They also inspired me to pick up the pace and get back to where I should be, painting!  I started a few sketches for some commissioned pieces people have ordered for Christmas and am throwing around the idea of starting my version of the very popular "Tree of Life" sometime in the future, we'll see!....meanwhile, here's a few pics from the workshop on Saturday! Have a great week! 

the sacred heart...

a cross...

the trinity...


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